To provide children and young people around the world with the ability to survive and opportunities to thrive

We are committed to taking positive and pragmatic action in supporting children and young people around the world to live in safety and to facilitate their learning and development.

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are a small, impactful charity who are committed to finding ways to really make a difference to the lives and education children and young people, both in the UK and internationally. We believe that even the smallest of actions can have the most significant impact and have seen how we can, quite literally, build futures.

To do this, we are always looking for like minded people, organisations and companies who would like to work with us to make this impact together. Have a browse at what we have done so far and please feel free to get in touch.

We would love to hear from you! 

Click HERE to see the videos of our previous classroom build projects



This picture was taken just prior to our first ever classroom build in Nepal in 2015, before the charity was officially founded in 2016. It is an image that has stayed with us and means alot to us.

This picture was taken just prior to our first ever classroom build in Nepal in 2015, before the charity was officially founded in 2016. It is an image that has stayed with us and means alot to us.